A place to calculate
and maintain your

Carbon Footprints

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The awesome services we provide for the individuals
and for the startups to excel in their business.

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Individuals in our app are the users who want to calculate their carbon score and who want to sell or donate waste to eco friendly startups and organisations.

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Organisations are startups that are contributing to the environment through their eco friendly products.

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The carbon graph

We provide carbon Footprint calculator for individuals users.We also notify you to update your carbon score. We help you monitor your carbon footprint progress.
You can share your scores on your social media sites and compete with your friends and family. The one with the lowest carbon score wins. You can participate in/ host Monthly/ Weekly go green challenges and see who can go most sustainable.
You can also win awards and badges. We provide interface where people/org. can buy raw materials or product directly from startups.
Rate your favourite organisations and we will feature their profiles.

These are the featured top two organisations
which performed best in the last contest.

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This is a great platform to buy raw materials/ products and can host many events about enviromenral awareness.
-The Green Builders

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Absolutely pleased with the features of this platform and we really enjoyed while participating in the events.
-The Eco Earth